Time Attack Mode
Actually, there are four modes in Time Attack. For any of them, your goal is simple:
learn the course. Then you'll be ready the next time you go for a Grand Prix race!

Select Mode

NORMAL 3 laps here. Try to go quickly, but get to know the course too. Easily said, not
so easily done.
REVERSE Try the course backwards. A real challenge to do after you have become familiar
with the Normal mode.
GET 5 BALLOONS Balloons are placed throughout the course. Your goal is to find five of them as
fast as you can.
TAG 4 CHARACTERS The other Sonic characters start running a few seconds before you do. Once you
start, your character must touch each of the fleeing characters.

After you finish the Time Attack race, the results of the race appear. Select Retry to give the same course
another try, or select Exit to return to the Select Mode screen.

Select Character
You can select the hidden characters you have played in Grand Prix mode.

Select Course
You can select the hidden course you have played in Grand Prix mode.

Race Results

LAP1 LAP2 LAP3 Time of each lap
TOTAL TIME Total time of Lap 1, 2 and 3
LAP RECORD Best time of the Laps
COURSE RECORD Best time of the Course


TOTAL TIME Total time to clear
COURSE RECORD Best time of the Course

About the menu at the bottom of the screen

RETRY You can try the Time Attack again with the same character and course.
EXIT You will quit a game, and return to the Select Mode screen.